The Power of the Mind: Communicating with GPT-4 through Brain Waves and JavaScript

Unlocking the Mind’s Potential: Revolutionizing Human-AI Interaction with Thought-Controlled Technology

Artificial Intelligence in Plain English


Imagine a world where you could communicate with advanced artificial intelligence (AI) like GPT-4 using just your brain waves. With the innovative Crown device, this seemingly far-fetched idea becomes a reality.

The Crown is a sleek electroencephalogram (EEG) designed to blend seamlessly with your everyday attire, enabling you to utilize its power even in social settings, such as Tinder dates.

Brain Waves and the Groundbreaking Crown Device

The human brain generates electrical impulses known as brain waves, which have been monitored by scientists for decades using EEG technology. Neurosity, the creator of the Crown device, offers a user-friendly dashboard that allows individuals to train algorithms to recognize their distinct thought patterns.

The Crown is equipped with miniature electrodes that measure brain waves and communicates with a mobile app via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. With eight separate channels, the Crown device generates a wealth of data reflecting the intricacies of the human mind. More importantly, the Crown can identify thought patterns that users have trained it to recognize.

Interpreting the Mind with JavaScript

Harnessing the power of JavaScript and the Neurosity SDK, it’s possible to read and interpret brain waves with impressive accuracy. Neurosity provides observables for specific mental states, such as calmness and focus, enabling users to subscribe to these states and execute code accordingly.

Once the Crown device has successfully read the brain waves, users can authenticate and access GPT-4 using the OpenAI SDK. The API is incredibly user-friendly; simply call “create chat completion,” specify the model as GPT-4, and send an array of messages to communicate with the AI.

Thought-Controlled Devices: The Future is Now

The Crown device allows users to become true cyborgs, capable of controlling devices through thought patterns they have trained the device to understand. By using text-to-voice models, GPT-4’s responses can be converted into audio files and transmitted directly to a Bluetooth earpiece.

The potential applications for the Crown device are virtually limitless. Imagine asking GPT-4 for a convincing excuse for being late to a meeting or seeking answers during a test, all through the power of thought. As technology advances, the possibilities for thought-controlled devices will only continue to grow, paving the way for a world where the boundaries between the human mind and artificial intelligence become increasingly blurred.


The revolutionary Crown device, coupled with GPT-4 and JavaScript, ushers in a new era of communication and control.

By connecting our minds directly to advanced AI, we can unlock new opportunities for enhancing our daily lives and achieving previously unattainable feats.

The future of thought-controlled devices is bright, and the fusion of brain waves and artificial intelligence promises to redefine the way we interact with technology.



Driven digital entrepreneur & AI/FinTech/investment authority. Committed to delivering insightful content, empowering & enlightening readers.