How I Created a Chrome Extension to Summarize TikTok Videos using ChatGPT

My First Extension on Google Chrome

Artificial Intelligence in Plain English


As someone who spends a lot of time on TikTok, I often find myself frustrated with having to watch long videos just to get the main idea.

That’s why I decided to try to create a Chrome extension that would allow me to quickly and easily summarize the key points of any TikTok video.

In this article, I’ll share my experience in creating this extension without giving away the complete code, and I hope it inspires you to embark on your own coding journey.

Let’s go

My FirstStep 1: Setting up the project

The first step in creating any new Chrome extension is setting up the project. I created a new folder for the project and added a file called manifest.json to the root directory. Here's what the file looks like:

This code sets up the basic structure of the extension and specifies the name, version, and description of the extension. It also includes the necessary permissions and specifies the popup file to use when the user clicks the extension icon. Finally, it includes a content_scripts field that injects the content.js file into any pages that match the TikTok domain.

Step 2: Creating the popup file

Next, I created a file called popup.html in the same folder as manifest.json. Here's what the code looks like:

Step 3: Creating the popup JavaScript file

After creating the popup.html file, I created a popup.js file in the same folder. This file sends a message to the content script to get the summary of the TikTok video and displays it in the popup. It also includes an event listener for the save button that saves the summary to local storage.

This code sends a message to the content script to get the summary of the TikTok video and displays it in the

Step 4: Creating the content script file

The next step was to create the content.js file, which is injected into any TikTok pages by the manifest.json file. This file includes a function for summarizing the TikTok video using JavaScript DOM manipulation to extract the video title, description, and hashtags and formats them into a summary string.

Step 5: Testing the extension

To test the extension, I navigated to a TikTok video page and clicked the extension icon. The summary appeared in the popup window, and clicking the “Save Summary” button saved the summary to local storage. I tested the extension on multiple TikTok videos and confirmed that it worked as expected.

My Folder

Creating a Chrome extension to summarize TikTok videos was a fun and rewarding project.

ChatGPT made the process much easier by providing the necessary code snippets and guidance.

With the popularity of TikTok only increasing, I believe this extension could be helpful for many users.

If you have an idea for an extension or an app, I encourage you to dive in, learn, and share your creations with the world. The satisfaction of seeing your idea come to life and helping others is well worth the effort.



Driven digital entrepreneur & AI/FinTech/investment authority. Committed to delivering insightful content, empowering & enlightening readers.